Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Great Flood of 2006

I have done it again--- as is typical in my life the unexpected has happened again! I put laundry in the washer, went to my room to clean and work on the computer and noticed some water in the bathroom. Hmm, not coming from the toilet, not coming from under the sink, I go out to the living room and freaked!! Everything flooded- a couple inches of water everywhere the eye can see! I turned the washer off and just stood there dumbfounded-- I got towels and tried to "sweep" it out the door, got the mop and that was ridiculous, finally settled on the Floor Mate until my roommate came home and we called the water extraction company.
Now there are 16 industrial fans, one dehumidifier, a noise level beyond reason and NO flooring in my house. We went to a hotel last night but I have cleared my bed for tonight.
The good part- I get new flooring after the disaster. I have lost some things but I guess I should be greatful for what I will gain!
God is working miracles in my life getting me ready for the mission field. I was prayed over last weekend and the people heard the exact words from God that I have been hearing-- very reasuring!
God is good and he always dries up the floods in our lives!

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