Monday, March 13, 2006


I was home sick from work today-- I am wondering if Satan has something to do with my illness. I don't like to give him credit for anything but Apex was last night and I think it is very important that I am connected to the whole community and I was excited to go. I woke up in the middle of the night Sunday morning violently ill and just couldn't get over it. I prayed in Christ's name, against the devil, that the power of the Lord would take over and that His name would protect my house. Well, I didn't make it to Apex but I do think Jesus helped me out because the insurance check for my flooded house came today and I was able to send it next day mail to my mortgage company and hopefully they will send it back quickly since I am supposed to pay for and pick up my new flooring on Friday! God works all things for good- I hold onto that very tightly and I believe it with everything that is in me.
While I sat here feeling sorry for myself today my friend was at the doctors with her dad where she found out that his cancer is back. I am praying for their family-- as always in these situations I don't know what to pray because if God wants her dad then he will die but I pray for comfort, understanding, and for the family to see God's hand in the whole thing. I don't know why our loved ones have to suffer, I don't know why we have to stand by with nothing to do while our friends suffer, but I do know that God is in control and I trust Him to work all things for His glory!
On a happier note our boys basketball team is in the city tournament and the first game is tomorrow-- as always I have made spirit posters for them all and plan to get up early and hang them around campus! I love doing cool things for the kids!!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Thanks for the little note Susie B. I am missing you a lot. I am shooting prayers your way, and know God is right there taking care of things.

Cancer is a strange thing, evil I think, yet it brings so many together. Just another mistery in this thing we call life. I will pray for your friend and her dad. Talk to you soon!